domenica 9 novembre 2014

What's in our travel bag?

Hello everyone,

We have seen so many blogposts and youtube videos of this tag and we thought we might give it a go!

I (Alia) will be travelling soon, so I took the occasion to write this post in order to make my bag organised and to make sure I won't forget anything too!

So here we go, this is what's in my travel bag...

This is what would go inside my carry-on bag:

Ipad (or any tablet)- I will have to take two airplanes and will have to wait three hours in the airport while waiting the second, bringing an Ipad is a great way to not get bored, you could watch movies, check on your social media, or even take selfies with strangers! You choose ;)

Phone and earphones- Of course you will need your phone to call your parents and stuff, but make sure to bring your earphones to listen to music on the plane! Some plane journeys can get really boring.

Notebook and pen- You never know, you may get super bored and to distract yourself you could doodle a bit or write whatever comes to your mind!

Glasses- I don't need glasses to see, I only use them because my eyes get really tired and red easily (mostly when I stay in front of the computer for too long), so they're kind of essential.

Book- I am currently reading "Lo strano caso dell'apprendista libraia" ("The Bookstore" in English) by Deborah Meyler, reading is an amazing way to avoid getting bored on plains!

Wallet- yeah... pretty self-explanatory

Scarf- You never know you might get cold in the airplane or you might sit next to someone who likes to turn on super cold conditioned air on top of their head! In that case, you'll have a scarf to cover your neck and you're good to go.

Scrunchies- You might need to tie your hair up and scrunchies are a cute way to do it!

(Not pictured) Chargers- If your phone or Ipad die you won't need to panic!

(Again, not pictured) Survival kit- Nope, I'm not talkig about the medical one, just some bare necessities you may need to travel which I will list down below.

This is what I have put in my "survival kit" in a small beauty-bag:

Hair brush- I don't know about you, but my hair gets soo knotty and I always feel like I should brush it, so that's essential for me.

Wipes- These can be super useful for anything! No toilet roll in the bathroom? Use a wipe! Feeling like your hands are dirty? Use a wipe! They're amazing, I cannot live without them. I would have brought also a hand sanitiser but mine's too big and security surely wouldn't let me bring it in the plane.

Blistex- This... oh my god it's amazing! It is a chap stick which you can find in any pharmacy and it hydrates your lips soo much! Since in planes air is recylced and very dry, my lips get really dry and I need blistex to hydrate them.

Gum- I have two packs of gum, one's mint flavoured and one's fruit flavoured. I just like to carry them around (ok, it may sound gross) if you can't brush your teeth and you want fresh breath, just use one of the mint ones for the moment and when you get to the hotel, brush your teeth! (This of course is just for relatively short flights, if your flight's very long then you might wanna brush them)

Headache pills- These are just essential for me, I get really bad migraines and these pills help to make it go away.

Lip gloss- You might want to look presentable for the people picking you up at the airport in some way, so I just bring my lip gloss with me. Mine's "Beauty rush" from Victoria's Secret and it's called "Candy, Baby". It's a very pretty light pink colour with a little glitter in it (not too much, I'm not the greatest fan of glitter on the lips) and it tastes like vanilla and strawberry.

Tissues- You're gonna need these at some point, trust me.

Dove little bottles- I didn't really know how to call these, but they're small plastic containers which shouldn't get you in trouble for bringing liquids as they do not exceed the 100ml limit. In these I would bring something like moisturising cream since my skin gets really dry in the plane.

So there you go, this is our "What's in my travel bag" blog post, we hope you enjoyed it!
If you have any suggestions for our next posts or want to have a chat feel free to comment down below or tweet us at @sursumcordablog on twitter!

Thanks for reading,

Alia and Eva 

sabato 18 ottobre 2014

Liebster Award

Hello everyone!

This is amazing, we have only just started and we already have been tagged in the Liebster Award! We are so grateful and we would like to thank Harjot Grewal, fellow blogger from for tagging us!

The Liebster Award is a great way to discover and help new blogs to be noticed. We think this tag is amazing and very fun too :)

Ok so, we will start off with 11 facts about us!

1. We are both currently studying for the IB diploma

2. We will both probably go to England to study at Uni

3. We really enjoy acting

4. We really like watching youtubers (Alia is kind of obsessed lol)

5. Our dream is to travel around world!

6. We are both Italian :)

7. We really enjoy cooking though we're not sure if we're any good at it!

8. We both have the worst habit, we both pick and bite the skin around our fingernails when we're nervous or bored!

9. Eva has been wearing glasses for basically her entire life whilst Alia has never had to wear them.

10. We LOVE to read

11. Eva is really good at writing and is very imaginative when it comes to write stories whilst Alia has a talent for learning languages!

And these are our answers to the 11 questions:

1. What do you like to blog about? Well, we have just started but we'll blog on basically anything that comes to our mind, from makeup to books to random posts.

2. What's the story behind your blog? We were procrastinating one night and decided to create one as we thought it would be fun :)

3. Where are you from? We are both from Italy!

4. What's your no1 place to visit? Alia: Sydney in Australia, definitely. Eva: Abandoned temples in Cambodia

5. Who inspires you? Alia: my brothers, my parents, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Zoella and Danisnotonfire! Eva: Danisnotonfire and George R.R. Martin

6. What is one goal you are looking towards? Alia: getting good grades in my IB examinations in order to go study in England and have a happy life in general. Eva: Becoming a writer.

7. What is your dream bag? Alia: oooh there are so many! Probably Michael Kors' Selma Black or Alexander Wang's Rocco black bag with rose gold studs on the bottom. Eva: Any Hermès bag or the Louis Vuitton Capucines bag

8. What is your all time favourite book? Alia: I really cannot decide but I have read A Walk in the Park by Jill Mansell and I love it! Eva: Game of Thrones Saga!

9. Can you speak more than one language? Alia: yep, I can speak Italian, English, French and a little Spanish. Eva: Yes: Italian, English and Spanish!

10. What is currently your favourite song? Alia: as of now I love Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. Eva: I really like Stay High by Tove Lo!

11. If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be? Alia: Carrie Hope Fletcher! Eva: Marylin Monroe!

The Nominees Are:

And also anyone who has a new blog and wants to have fun, feel free to tag us and we'll read your answers to the Liebster Award!

To participate you have to: 
1. Display the Liebster Award logo on your blog
2. Thank and link back to the person who has nominated you
3. List 11 facts about yourself
4. Answer the 11 questions they have posted
5. Create 11 questions to ask
6. Choose your own nominations

We hope you enjoyed this post! If you have any suggestions for our next posts leave a comment below or tweet us on twitter at @sursumcordablog!

Thanks for reading,

♥ Alia and Eva  

domenica 28 settembre 2014

And so it begins...

Hello people!

This is really stressful, we don't know what to say.

We are Alia and Eva, just two teenage girls who one boring evening were procrastinating and decided to start a blog. We are 16 and 17 years old and we come from Italy :)

We don't really have a specific idea of what we will write about, probably anything that comes up to our mind like fashion, makeup, recipes, books and... we don't really know, bear with us hahaha

We will sign our posts every time we make one so you'll know who's writing :)

We know this blogpost is really short but hey, it's just the beginning! 
See you next time,

 Alia and Eva